Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sushi S

My mom and I needed lunch after doing some shopping at Costco, and I said we should try S Sushi because it was new and on the way home. Sushi S was formerly Hibiki Japanese Restaurant but is now under new management. They're located at 4739 Willingdon Avenue near BCIT.
We walked in and it looked great! I had never been to this place before, but I was told they underwent major renovations.
We were seated promptly and given our menus. The waitress was very friendly. So we put our order in.
3 mins later we were told that they had run out of oysters!! But they were soooo nice about it and very apologetic. I think the guy said "We're so sorry" like 3 times. And I had asked for brown rice for my roll claiming it was only $1 extra charge, which I was fine with. ...Then another 2 minutes later...he says they are out of brown rice, but could offer me black rice. I was like what does black rice taste like?? sounds weird..I was assured that it pretty much had the same taste, so I agreed to it. And also, I was told that the girl waitress had told me $1 extra but it was actually $1.50. Again, they were very apologetic and super nice about it all, trying to accommodate to us as much as possible.

 I like the colorful glasses they use for the lemon water :) And the plates had modern shapes.

So here's our food!!
My green salad that I absolutely lovedddd. Fresh and crisp vegetables which were also showcased with different cutting techniques. fancy! This salad was different than all the other Japanese green salads I've tried because along with the traditional dressing, it was also covered in another white dressing. I didn't ask what it was, but it made the salad so much more delicious and mouth-watering. This was $4.

Chicken Yakisoba. It came on a hot plate and was sizzling when it was brought to our table. The sauce was good, chicken was tender and an all-around good dish. Plenty to go around, even took leftovers of this home.

 Ika Karaage (squid). We ordered this in place of the oysters. I didn't try this, but my mom enjoyed it. Came with chili sauce for dipping.

Here's my beef teriyaki roll with "black rice". My first words when I saw it was "It's purple!" Nonetheless, It was oh so yummy. I like it better than with white rice! I think because it had a sort of sweetness to it. My mom and I both said that it reminded us of Biko ( a filipino dessert). This roll truly didn't disappoint; although the meat was a little on the dry side. But I would get this dish again. It was $4 plus the $1.50 for brown/black rice.

Yakitori: chicken skewers. $5. These were fun to eat. Basically just chicken with teriyaki sauce, but it's simplicity was nice. yum :) our surprise, a server came over and gave us an appetizer on-the-house! I guess to make up for not having oysters or brown rice.
Potato/corn and pumpkin croquettes. These were super delicious. It had a crispy outside and a soft melt-on-your-tongue texture on the inside. And being free, it made it even tastier :) hehehee

Then again....he came over with another plate of food on-the-house!
It was the black rice with avocado and cucumber. It had a nice light taste. It was so nice of them :) Truly great service and extra friendly staff. 
I guess they also want to impress us, to get repeat business. He even told us that they'd have more oysters in 3 days lol 
But, I'm sure I'll be back here again in the near future, perhaps with Bryan this time.
Sushi S, overall, a rating of 9.5 out of 10

Happy Eating, xoxo,

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