Sunday, April 29, 2012

red velvet cake pops :)

This isn't a new restaurant post, but it's still yummy food :) i looooove cake pops. I've been hooked ever since I tried one at Starbucks. So one day, I decided to try and conjure up my own batch of cake pops. I just bought a redvelvet cake box and a tub of cream cheese frosting, candy coating and lollipop sticks. They turned out so good! It's tedious work having to shape the cake into balls. It was fun tho...but more fun to eat them!! muhahahaha :) CAKE MONSTER!!
before they get dipped in coating (I only crumbled half of the full cake to make cake pops, so it would actually be twice as many as this!)

voila!! time to eat; nom nom nom nom nom

Happy Eating! xoxo,

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