Monday, June 18, 2012

Donburi Ya Robson Street

I've been a bit lazy the past month-ish and haven't been keeping up with the blog, but we're here now :) This one was from a while ago at Donburiya for lunch after some shopping on Robson. It's like a fast food style restaurant where you order your food at the counter and you sit and wait, but they bring the food to you. We didn't wait any longer than 5 minutes for the food. I ordered a simple chicken teriyaki don in a small size. I like how they have different sizes of the bowls so you can choose according to how hungry you are and how much you can eat. It wasn't anything special, just a regular tasting don. I was still satisfied because I was craving teriyaki at the time.

Bryan ordered from their curry menu. I can't remember what his was called (this is what happens when I put off a food blog! :/ ) But I think it had croquettes in it with the curry, well anyways he enjoyed it a lot!
Both our meals together came to about $14, which wasn't too bad. It's a small restaurant though, could probably only fit about 18-20 people at one time..tiny! We'd come back here only if we were in a hurry and we were near it.

Donburi Ya gets a rating of 7 out 10.

Happy Eating! xoxo,
Bryan & Dina

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